BE Acupuncture
"BE" Acupuncture stands for “B”alance the “E”nergy. Dr. Erick's unique diagnose and highly effective acupuncture technique to quickly restore the unbalance of your body & mind as the root cause of your illness & discomfort. Most of the time, you can except immediate result right after the treatment.
Dr. Cheng Chieh Chien Chu (Dr. Erick Chien)
Book NowBE Customized Herbal Medicine
For patients that are not fans of acupuncture. This is an alternative & holistic approach, applying our extensive TCM knowledge to diagnose and customize a specific herbal medicine (in capsules or granules) tailoring for you, with the purpose to harmonize your health condition and relieve your discomforts (both physical and emotional).
Dr. Cheng Chieh Chien Chu (Dr. Erick Chien)
Book NowTelemedicine
1 on 1 online appointment to diagnose & evaluate your current condition, provide individualized therapeutic advices, including: dietary, lifestyle, specific self-care acupressure points and/or prescribing customized herbal medicine (which will be shipped to you directly from manufacturer).
Dr. Cheng Chieh Chien Chu (Dr. Erick Chien)
Book Now